Wednesday, August 1, 2007

UPDATE: The Burger Truly Isn't King

I just read that the Licensing Board turned down the Burger King in Maverick Square last week (I really need to be more up to date with my topics). This is an excellent decision. The corner location is a fantastic retail spot, that would truly benefit the community should a local establishment open up. Well done, Licensing Board. I feel better now.


Matt said...

where did you see this? i live in maverick square, and have been really worried about the BK invasion since i first heard about it. primary source confirmation would be appreciated. thanks!

Block By Block said...

this was on the front cover of the east boston times free press on august 1.

Block By Block said...

this was on the front cover of the east boston times free press on august 1.

Matt said...

guess i missed it... but it doesn't get much more primary than that! thanks for posting this.

Block By Block said...

You're welcome.